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UMass Machine Learning Club

The place to learn all about ML at UMass Amherst. No experience necessary. We meet in the ILC on Mondays at 7PM for beginner lectures and Wednesdays at 7 PM for advanced lectures

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Upcoming Events:

  1. Oct 25 2023, 7PM, ILC N101: Advanced Lecture: TBD
  2. Oct 31 2023, 7PM, ILC S140: Beginner Lecture: "Deep Learning Models for Irregularly Sampled and Multi-rate Time-Series Datasets"

More Info:

Our Officers:

Social Media Manager: NATHAN WOLF

I’m Nathan Wolf, and I am a Sophomore Computer Science student at UMass, pursuing a minor in linguistics. I have been using code to bring his weirdest ideas to life since 2018. I am also the web manager for the UMass Marching Band, where I play Trombone. I like climate advocacy, and I am doing some other volunteer website work for Biodiversity for a Livable Climate in Cambridge. In my (nonexistent) free time, I am programming a few random things with text processing ML, editing a video, producing music, cooking, or biking.



Hi! I’m Ryan, a Junior Computer Science student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, pursuing minors in Philosophy and Psychology. I have grown particularly interested in studying human intelligence through the lens of evolving and learning autonomous systems. I am actively conducting research in the areas of evolutionary computation and reinforcement learning.


I’m a Master’s student at UMass Amherst, riding the thrilling currents of Computer Science and delving deep into the captivating world of Data Science. Armed with a blend of Computer Science, Mathematics, and a dash of Business flair, I’m on a determined quest to unveil the secrets of neural networks. I’ve delved into Neural Architecture, Genetic Algorithms, Recommender System, and more. But hey, I’m not just algorithms and equations – I’m a kitchen virtuoso, conjuring up culinary experiments that might just redefine your taste buds. Beyond coding and cooking, I’m all about crafting fun projects, like training chatbots for chit-chat, transforming cats into dogs (digitally, of course) using Cyclic GANs, and even putting an inventive twist on NFTs.


Hello! I’m Karthik, and I love to code and create new things! I’ve dabbled in Machine Learning recently through Image Classification, created many of my own websites using Next.js, went to NECCDC for a cybersecurity competition, and I dabble in a few hobbies that aren’t coding from time to time.


Hi ! I am Ruchira, a master’s student in Comp Sci. I was also an undergraduate student here. My interests like in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and related fields. Welcome to the Machine Learning community!

Lecturer: KIEN TO

I like Marius

Marketing Manager: HANNA JIANG

I exist

Events Coordinator: PRACHA PROMTHAW

Hi! I’m Pracha or you could also call me Kim. I’m a Senior Computer Science student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I’m interested in learning about the application of machine learning and how it could make our life easier and more exciting! I am actively conducting research in the areas of information retrieval and natural language processing, but I’m doing some fun project related to computer vision as well.